Our Men’s Recovery Group provides a unique and supportive environment for men struggling with addiction. We understand the challenges men face in opening up about their experiences and emotions, which is why we’ve created a space specifically designed to address these needs.

Why a Men’s Group?

  • Many men find it difficult to be vulnerable due to societal expectations and ingrained behaviors.
  • An all-male setting allows participants to drop their guard and express themselves without the pressure to maintain a certain image.
  • This environment fosters honesty and openness, crucial elements in the recovery process.

What to Expect

  • A judgment-free zone where participants support and encourage one another.
  • Positive reinforcement for sharing and personal growth.
  • A community focused on mutual success and recovery.


  • Daily morning sessions feature a ‘main share’ from a participant further along in their recovery journey.
  • These stories provide inspiration and practical insights for newer members.
  • We recognise the importance of physical activity and outdoor experiences in the recovery process, our program includes lots of (often outdoor) activities such as:
    • A 10-week football skills course in partnership with the Foundation of Light
    • Meditation retreats
    • Waterfall jumping

You can hear more about the men’s group in the below video 👇